How to use actions and filters to customize Jetpack?

In WordPress, a filter is used to modify data before it is either displayed on the website or stored in the database. Jetpack takes advantage of this system, allowing you to apply filters to many of its features, thereby personalizing your experience.

You’ll need a code snippet like the following to extend Jetpack’s functionality

add_filter( 'jetpack_ai_chat_enabled', function() {
    return false;
} );

The code snippet you need to add can be placed in several locations:

  1. Code Snippets Plugin: You can use a functionality plugin to manage all code snippets you want to add to your site. Using the Code Snippets plugin is a popular choice. This plugin allows you to add code snippets as if they are individual mini-plugins.
  2. Your own custom plugin: You can create a simple plugin including only the code snippet you want to add.
  3. Main Theme’s functions.php File: Adding the snippet to your main theme’s functions.php is an option.
  4. Child Theme’s functions.php File: This is often the best choice if you’re working with a child theme.


A practical use case is altering the title of the “Related Posts” section that appears below each of your blog posts. For instance, you might prefer the heading “You Might Also Like” over the default “Related.”

Step 1: Identify the Filter Hook

The first thing you’ll need to do is find the specific filter hook that allows you to modify the related posts headline. For this particular alteration, the filter hook in question is jetpack_relatedposts_filter_headline.

Step 2: Write the Function and Add It to the Filter Hook

You can combine creating your custom function and attaching it to the filter hook into one step:

function change_related_posts_headline( $headline ) {
    $headline = sprintf(
        '<h3 class="jp-relatedposts-headline"><em>%s</em></h3>',
        esc_html__( 'You Might Also Like', 'textdomain' )
    return $headline;
add_filter( 'jetpack_relatedposts_filter_headline', 'change_related_posts_headline' );

Step 3: Inserting the Code into Your WordPress Environment

The code snippet above can be placed in several locations:

  1. Child Theme’s functions.php File: This is often the best choice if you’re working with a child theme.
  2. Main Theme’s functions.php File: If you’re not using a child theme, adding the snippet to your main theme’s functions.php is an option.
  3. Code Snippets Plugin: You can use a functionality plugin to manage all code snippets you want to add to your site. Using the Code Snippets plugin is a popular choice. This plugin allows you to add code snippets as if they are individual mini-plugins.
  4. Custom Plugin: If you prefer to keep your customizations separate from your theme, you can create a simple custom plugin to hold your filter functions. You can create a plugin including only the code snippet you want to add.

Step 4: Refresh to Apply Changes

After inserting the code snippet and saving the file or snippet, reload your website to see the changes in action.

Troubleshooting Tips

Should you run into issues:

  1. Double-check for typos or syntax errors.
  2. Make sure you’re targeting the correct and compatible filter hook.
  3. Consult Jetpack’s official documentation or community forums for assistance.

By understanding and using Jetpack’s extensible nature through filters, you can personalize and optimize your WordPress site more than ever before.

Actions vs Filters

Actions in WordPress and Jetpack are triggered by specific events, like publishing a post or changing themes. You can create custom PHP functions and hook them to these events to perform certain tasks. For example, you can set up a plugin to email you whenever a new user registers on your site. Actions are called using the do_action() function.

Filters are functions that modify data in WordPress or Jetpack before it is displayed in the browser. They can be used to correct misspelled words or change the default behavior of Jetpack without editing its files directly. Filters are called with the apply_filters() function. Using filters helps organize and protect your changes from being overwritten during updates.